"Archangel Sandalphon"
73x60 cm
The ANGEL among the Archangels is SHE.
... There is one unique Archangel, an Archangel with feminine energy.
He is the twin "brother-sister" of Archangel Metatron.
Both She and Metatron were the only Archangels to experience earthly life. And that's why they are the only ones who don't have a name ending with - "el".
Sandalfon - it's her.
He is the highest of the Archangels.
It is so high that its feet reach the Earth and its wings and head reach the Heaven itself, so that it can convey all human requests and prayers directly to God Himself.
It embodies the combination of the energy of Mother Earth with the energy of God the Father.
He is the Angel of the Earth and the protector of spirit guides.
He is an ambassador for music and personal ascension.
She is the one who takes care of those who follow the path of spiritual development.
She is also the one who takes care of unborn children in their mothers' wombs.
There are many different descriptions of this Archangel. Some of them write about twin female energy complementing the male energy of brother Metatron. Others write about Metatron's "twin brother".
It is slender, beautiful, delicate but with enormous power and shine
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"Art and love are the greatest gifts,
which man gives himself..."
D. Hawkins
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